Montecristo White cigars make a bold statement.
Continuing with Montecristo's fine tradition of being one of the world's most in-demand brand names, Montecristo adds a bolder, richer element to its stable with the Montecristo White cigar. Comprised of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, wrapped in a flavorful Connecticut-seed Ecuadorian shade grown wrapper, the White offers a smooth, robust and satisfying profile for the more developed palate. This Montecristo lives up to its name.
In February 2017, the Montecristo White Series review earned it an esteemed 91-rating, noting, "Sweet and... creamy... honey, ginger and freshly ground pepper. Its wrapper is yellowish in color and the cigar burns and draws evenly."
Churchill (7 x 54)
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Origin: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Strength: Mild to Medium
Rothchilde (5 x 52)
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Origin: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Strength: Mild to Medium
Toro (6 x 54)
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Origin: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Strength: Mild to Medium
Prontos Petites (4 x 33) [6-Pack]
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut Shade
Origin: Dominican Republic
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Strength: Medium
Mini White (2 7/8 x 20) [20-Pack]
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Color: Natural
Strength: Medium