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    - Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

    - Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.

Smoke Depot & Vape Lounge

Cigarros NEGROS Y MILD [paquete de 5]

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**Se aplicará una tarifa de entrega de $10 a todos los pedidos de entrega que SOLO contengan cigarrillos/productos de tabaco.**

****La entrega gratuita NO se aplica a cigarrillos y productos de tabaco.****

Producido por Middleton, un nombre famoso en los tabacos de pipa domésticos desde 1856, Black & Mild Cigars ofrece todo el atractivo aromático de una pipa sin necesidad de limpiar, raspar, llenar ni apisonar. Todos construidos en un tamaño de cigarro que es perfecto para una pausa de cigarro más breve: los cigarros Black & Mild brindan un perfil de fuerza suave y presentan los tabacos Virginia y Cavendish premium de Middleton imbuidos por expertos con una variedad de deliciosos sabores. Black & Mild cierra la brecha entre fumar en pipa y cigarros de una manera muy satisfactoria y altamente aromática.



- Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

- Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

- Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

- Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.