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    - Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

    - Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

    - Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.

Smoke Depot & Vape Lounge

Envolturas de hojas naturales de CAMO

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**Se aplicará una tarifa de entrega de $10 a todos los pedidos de entrega que SOLO contengan cigarrillos/productos de tabaco.**

****La entrega gratuita NO se aplica a cigarrillos y productos de tabaco.****

Estás fumando lo mejor, ¿por qué no te aseguras de fumar con lo mejor? Estas envolturas de hojas naturales de camuflaje son una alternativa saludable a las otras envolturas en el mercado. Libre de contaminación por OMG, esta solución totalmente natural y automática está compuesta por completo de plantas de manzanilla y yerba mate. ¡Tampoco te arriesgas a comprometer tu dieta vegana cuando usas estas envolturas!

  • 5 envolturas/bolsa
  • Bolsa resellable
  • Vegano, sin OGM, sin tabaco, sin conservantes
  • Longitud: 109 mm
  • Hoja 100% Natural
  • Cáñamo afgano
  • Hecho de plantas de manzanilla y yerba mate



- Smoke Depot will exchange any defective disposable within SAME DAY of purchase.

- Smoke Depot has the right to check the SERIAL NUMBER to prove the product was bought from Smoke Depot.

- Smoke Depot has the right to examine the product to verify if "it was used" or it has been tampered with and that the issue described can be replicated.

- Defective products need to be returned ALONG WITH ORIGINAL PACKAGING and RECEIPT, otherwise any credit/exchange WILL BE REVOKED.